

作者 蔡沅達
出版日 2021-11-01
定價 $300
優惠價 79折 $237
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【作者簡介】蔡沅達Taro Chua

2003年10月4日新加坡出生。小學時,就喜歡自己畫畫。偶然,一次媽媽與阿姨們的小爭執中,發現在一旁觀察的沅達,竟能透過畫圖表達那些無法用言語說出來的感受;其後,在Dr. Chen的引導和鼓勵下,開始透過繪畫展開心靈探索之旅。











Chapter 1 序言與專訪 FOREWORD & INTERVIEW

01. Dr.Chen 的話——陳總顧問 Foreword by Dr.Chen – Consultant Chen
02.輔導與心理治療師的話——郭素珍 Foreword by Counsellor & Psychotherapist – Vanessa Keh
03.媽媽的話——郭素珍 Foreword by Taro's Mother – Vanessa Keh
04.諮商心理師的話——呂仁捷 Foreword by Psychologist – Lu Renjie
05.專訪——陳心怡 Interview – Chen Hsinyi


系列一:感受 FEELING

01.痛 Pain
02.痛的框架 Frame of Pain
03.風的效應 Tripple Wind
04.意識的擴張 Expansion of Consciouness
05.存在 Existence
06.心碎 Heart Break

系列二:大洞 BIG HOLE

01.虛空 The Void

系列三:通道 PATH

01.門(屏障) Gates
02.深入 Deeper
03.開門 Opening
04.通道(路徑) The Path


01.眼睛 Eyes
02.敞開的門 The Door of Open
03.悲傷 Sadness
04.從不孤單 Never Alone


01.童年 Childhood
02.諒解 Understanding
03.結論 Conclusion
04.笑一笑 Just Smile

Chapter 3 後記 EPILOGUE

01.沅達小語 Taro Chua's Words
02.爸爸的祝福 Blessings from Taro's Dad


01.Dr. Chen的話






「陳主任」「陳老師」「Dr. Chen」哈哈哈!其實與大家分享,至今沅達從未這樣在我面前稱呼過,但孩子卻十分清楚知道我是誰哦!「內心藏著5個不一樣的他」是孩子不經意具體透露出來的,他想著應該要好好面對及整合自己的時刻到了,尤其孩子總是怒目口頭禪說著:「媽媽很笨!」原來這一切都是愛的保護!從小恐懼自己被霸凌,更害怕媽媽被欺負啊!外面環境的陌生人也不安全呀!






2021.08.09 筆於臺灣立秋時分

01.Dr. Chen Prologue

Memories are like a series of doors, one after another. There are bound to have some who proclaimed that they have forgotten most of their childhood memories, as if that precious piece of growing up process were being shut off. It is like slowly shutting off the windows, one by one. The door to the heart also unknowingly followed the doors and windows in shutting off. 

Allow time to return to 2017, a world famous, small and refine, beautiful and green city [Singapore], where a chance encounter met a chance acquaintance. [Taro Chua] was a 15 year old boy, shy, innocent and kind. His eyes were big but were bloodshot, and he was straightforward in his speech. At the moment when he first blurted out: “I am so tired!”,  I felt that there was a huge and long accumulated ounce of energy in him, suppressed by rage and no way to release.What happened to this boy? How can the contrast be so drastic?

From my past 20 over years of experience in youth counselling, I reckon that he must have experienced some matters of grave difficulties or an extension of a story of the same.[Taro Chua], his parents divorced due to incompatibility when he was 3 years old. The mother was a strong headed woman whereas the father was more sensible and gentle.Oh, child! There goes to the shutting of the first door to the heart as if you have caged yourself in the darkest levels of the ivory tower, imprisoning the shy, genuine, kind-hearted and beautiful pure soul of a child.

Fast forward the time to the present year 2021,  I am looking at the first draft of [Taro]’s album. Taro is the only child without any siblings. He lived with his dad after the parents’ divorce, and fortunately, his mom was always there for him.Whatever it is? What is in the adult’s emotional world? How can it be in this way? What about me?

Time flies like an arrow, age is like a shuttle, but the days surrounding this child were long and slow. The drive to go and learn in school was obstructed by the conflict and unfriendly environment.

[Once more, I suppressed the rage in me.][Nobody can ever bully me again]

The internet world is able to help me to reconstruct this world, as if this new concept, knowledge and point of view were being ignited one by one. In 2017, he opened the first door, for himself.

[HOD Chen, Teacher Chen, Dr Chen]Hahaha! Just to share with you, although Taro has never address me with any of the aforesaid titles, he is very sure [who I am!][The hidden 5 different identities in his inner world] was not easily revealed by him. He reckon that it was time for him to address and integrate himself.  Particularly, the child’s angry look together with his mantra of “Mother is so stupid!” was in fact a form of protection out of love. He was afraid of being bullied since young, hence was even more fearful for his mom being bullied!

Strangers from the external environment were not safe also. Hence unknowingly the name of the album [Mom! Please see me!] has gained deeper connection to the consciousness.It then brought about [my parents will be okay when I turned 20].The child is in the midst of continuous transformation and integration! Just like the caterpillar ready to break free from its cocoon to become a colourful butterfly!That is the strongest anticipation and hope of the future the child has granted himself. The 20 year old me! I have grown and am mature. I can start to spread my wings and soar! Dad and mom, you need not worry about me anymore!

Refocusing on Taro’s album of 19 art pieces, this is the resulting fusion of a caring child’s sponsorship of a few art pieces for charity sales during the opening ceremony of [Sumari Sage Tree – Jia You Zhan].The series are as follows: [series 1: Feeling], [series 2: Big Hole], [Series 3: Path], [Series 4: Sadness Path] and [Series 5: Happiness Path]More in particular, each series contains the author’s feelings towards the infinity of life and deep realization.

For example,

1.     Feeling: Listening to your inner voice

2.     Big Hole: Encountering the darkness and fear

3.     Path: Passage of the soul, turning point of life

4.     Sadness Path: Traversing the darkness, regathering of power

5.     Happiness Path: Connecting to infinite possibilities

In this album of 19 art pieces, what kind of world does the author Taro wants to lead us adults into? Let us discover by relaxing ourselves and enter into the inner world of a child with joy.

Lastly, I want to share again, as a role of an adult, children has always been the best gift in life. They are as clear as a sparkling mirror, anticipating what we adult can glimpse from it.

At this juncture came a message from within, I wish to tell the child: Dear Taro, you are the best!”

Penned on 9th August 2021, Beginning of Autumn, Taiwan


02. 輔導與心理治療師的話



很難想像發生在我自己身上,從2017 年的我未曾接受任何醫療,乳房硬塊的自我療癒,沅達畫冊創作及身心狀態的自我整合過程,陳總顧問看似個別性引導,但卻能啟動整個家庭(其實是兩個家族)的核心心靈動力,這是心理學,甚至輔導或心理治療所不會,或很難達到的一種相對性心靈動力,一次又一次讓我親身體驗也見證了他的輔導陪伴,實在是奇蹟般的超越傳統心理學,竟是如此的究竟!


最為核心的是沅達媽媽「聽見」孩子了,願意臣服,忠實且誠正的覺察與觀照、面對自己,慢下來陪伴彼此學習,一起從扭曲混亂裡走出去。18 歲的沅達真的是個智者。他的靈視世界觀竟是如此宏觀、通透大人的世界,就好像我在為他做訪談的翻譯時,他卻像是在看戲的觀察者,等著看看大人如何採訪他,而不是他被觀察,乖乖的等著接受採訪。






by Vanessa Keh - Counsellor & Psychotherapist

Listen…Listen… Listen to your child's "Inner Voice" . Open the doors that is waiting for you… .

I sincerely thank Consultant, Mr Chen ZhiCheng (Dr Chen), for his guidance and allowing me, as a mother and Counsellor & Psychotherapist, to participate and work together in the production process of this Art Expression Album. This journey has led me to an amazing exploration - a deep dive into the ocean

of subconsciousness.

Never have I thought that this could happen to me. From my hardened breast lumps which was not medically treated since 2017, to selfhealing; from Taro's Art Expression Album and his self - integration process; Consultant Chen's guidance may seem to be for individual, but it could actually ignite the entire family's (in fact two families clan) core psyche-dynamics. I have personally experienced and witnessed numerous times of Dr Chen's counselling companionship, this relative psyche-dynamics which cannot or perhaps maybe difficult for any psychology, counselling and/or psychotherapy to achieve, and definitely is miraculous surpassing conventional psychology.

From the deepest of my heart, I would like to suggest to all the parents in the world the most basic question: "Is it about our child?" or "more precisely, is it about us, the adult?"

Taro Chua, the author of this Art Expression Album, helps express and exhibit the inner world of many children and adolescents: The things that they most wanted to say to the adults yet cannot say it out; the truest feelings/ emotions that they cannot genuinely express nor even their thoughts to the adults; and the innate potentials that they cannot display in front of the adults. They are able to see the whole naked truth about the adults world yet

thoughtfully chose to behave "stupid" just to wait silently hoping for the company of the adults… . Is it really that these "unspoken words" or "inexpressible words" cannot be spoken? On the contrary, towards the parents – They are showing their most simple, unselfish, and unconditional love! The truth is, they mind too much about their parents' feelings!

Most importantly, Taro's mother "hears" him. She is willing to surrender, be honest and truthful to reflect and face herself, slowing down her pace to learn with Taro, so as to walk out of the distortion and chaos together.

18-year-old Taro, is really a wise man, like a Sage. The adult world is as transparent as a glass in his macroscopic psyche worldview. Just like while I am interpreting the interview for him, he was more like an observer watching a play, and waiting to see how we will interview him rather than obediently waiting to be interviewed.

This Art Expression Album displayed Taro's courage and strength towards his sense of life's existence and subjective feeling expression which may not be as easy for any other children or adolescents. In comparison, the adult world perhaps is usually full of fear, narrowness and conservative. This Art Expression Album hopes to deliver to all the readers: To deliver "Hope" and "Iisten – listen to the voices of your child", and to allow one another to "express their feelings subjectively" so as to build the [bridge of communication].

Every of Taro's art piece in this album is a benchmark on his growth and development process that convey an inspirational infinite possibility of life. With my heart, I sincerely wish every reader: Be patience while reading this Art Expression Album, so that you may find the inner door that belongs to your heart. This Art Expression Album represents courage, the key for you to turn the "door-knob" opening to all the doors and beyond that's waiting for you in your heart.



郭素珍Vanessa Keh
Counsellor & Psychotherapist(APACS)
工商管理學士( 榮譽)
輔導與心理治療師( 新加坡心理治療師和輔導員協會)

「你就像夜空中最亮的星(心),照亮著我前行,看見生存的意義……我有個 『我們』……」

相信每一位母親都很想走入孩子的內心世界,想知道到底該如何懂得孩子要的是什麼?想知道到底如何讓孩子知道我們所做的都是為他好。我也是這樣「住進」了一套又一套的外衣(身分), 被這些許多的期待、壓力、面子、愧疚和無助框架、綁架了自己。

2017 年,Dr.Chen 送了我一句「為母則強」。經由此話的力量和其無比耐心、細膩的引導陪伴下,2019 年,啟動了整個畫冊創作歷程迄今。身為母親的我參與了整個過程,從第一次的畫展開始,的確很不容易。無數次的心酸、心疼、淚水,因而大哭著……需要相當深的忠實且誠正的自我面對。這樣的「不容易」不單單只是面對自己最黑暗的一面而已,也包含需要內在的勇氣面對「看見孩子心理的傷疤」,如同沅達透由系列五的《諒解》作品告訴了我:「媽媽,請妳把心中的那把鎖打開,面對妳自己,才能看見我呀!」






by Vanessa Keh - Taro's Mother

You are like the brightest star (heart) illuminating me as I move forward and see the meaning of existence... I have "US"...

I believe every mother would want to path into the inner world of our child, would like to know how we could understand what our child needs…would like to know how to make our child understand what we are doing is all for their best. With Such, I let myself "lived" in the many different sets of coats (identities), and was kidnapped by these frames of expectations, peer pressures, face values, guilt and helplessness.

In 2017, Consultant Chen (Dr. Chen) bestowed me with a statement - "A Mother's Strength". With the power of this statement, and his great patience and delicate guidance, the creation of this Art Expression Album started in 2019.

I thank my child, Taro, for not giving up on me and gave me a very precious lesson instead! I learned to truly understand how to become a mother for a child, that allows me to face my past as a wife, and to understand how to become a wife for a husband. You make me believe that I am worthy of love so that I can genuinely be my authentic self. I am so touched and moved by your delicateness and sensitivity with your love for your father and I, seems so deep. Taro, you are my pride, and I am proud of you! I also want to thank Taro's father as it wasn't any easy on him too!

This Art Expression Album concurrently vastly ignited the psyche-dynamics of my origin family that transformed Taro's grandmother to let go of all her worries for her children. By returning to trust–She recognized her children has finally grown up. Relatively, Taro's grandmother who is my mother, subtly addressed her own past experiences. Thus, giving us now, much more of her care, warmth, and love.

Special thanks to the whole team from SUMARI GROUP and all the people who participated and involved in this Art Expression publication. I want to thank especially to Consultant Chen (Dr Chen), for being my whole family's Teacher and Mentor; no words could ever express our deepest appreciation to his extremely patience and delicate guidance rendered to us.

I want to tell my child, Taro: "You are the brightest star in the night sky. It is your light that illuminated me and regained my strength to move forward, and see the most precious meaning of life…

It is you who had given "US"…



05. 專訪




蔡沅達,2021 年滿18 歲,和時下年輕人並無二致,喜歡動漫、電玩、計算機科學,思考跳耀,表達真誠,毫不造作。談到內心深處時,整個人投入表達的力道是竭盡所能地讓你知道並理解他所有的想法。


在沅達口中的「Dr. Chen」——陳志成老師的鼓勵下,他把內心世界一幅一幅畫了下來。他一路用自己的生命探尋答案,身痛、心痛,午夜夢迴不知經歷千百次瀕臨滅頂的痛,這孩子究竟想要吶喊些什麼?想要告訴大人什麼?


part 1:6/25( 五) 17:30 2 小時






part 2:6/25( 五) 22:00 1 小時30 分








困擾他多年聲音,就是死。24 小時都想死的他,不斷來回交戰:「我跟自己講,你去死啊!死就死啊,沒什麼;但另一個聲音又說,你得活著。」沅達像是在控訴什麼,連珠砲似地直陳內在所想,但他沒有失控,談了約莫十分鐘後,回神了,他把自己整理好,再度請媽媽回到採訪線上。



「我一定要在媽媽面前再表達一次。」他說。沅達的父母在他三歲時離婚, 雖然不明白大人的決定,也不知道發生什麼事,但他知道從那之後,爸媽關係已不同,世界也不一樣。


part 3:7/16( 五) 22:30 3 小時







第三次採訪中,沅達仍真實自我揭露黑暗面,但也多了不輕言放棄的意志力。一個18 歲的孩子的成長歷程是這麼衝撞,即使傷痕累累,可是他仍笑笑的告訴我:「24 小時的聲音很累人,但這些不快樂的事,就是要經歷的,人生就像在走隧道,你是要放棄、坐下來,還是繼續走到隧道口,迎接光?」




這是一個18 歲孩子的成長故事,千瘡百孔的生命歷程,最令人欽佩的無疑是那無限的能力。沅達透過19 幅畫、19 面鏡子、19 種生命難題(甚至更多),但他無畏無懼。跟著他,我們也能重新拾回初生之犢與生俱足的勇氣。

05. Interview
by Chen Hsinyi

Taro Chua, like all youngsters, turned 18 years old in 2021. He likes animation, electronic gaming and computer science. He expressed sincerely without any pretentiousness. In expressing what were deep inside him, he would do whatever he could to let you know and

comprehend all of his thoughts.

Years ago, he was being diagnosed with symptom of Social Isolation by a Psychiatrist. This label brought about unimaginable mental impact not only to Taro, but also to his mom Vanessa and dad Alvin; and it was at this juncture that Taro's casual drawings were discovered by the adults. Drawing, has long silently accompanied Taro in his dealing with boredom, helplessness, anger and even his extremely painful and perplexed childhood, it is just that the busy adults have never knew about his secret world.

Since childhood, Taro already had a big question mark towards life. What's the point of living?

Under the encouragement of "Dr Chen", as how Taro addresses Teacher Chen Zhicheng, Taro began to draw and paint his inner world, one after another. He uses his life in search for answers. In bodily pain and heartache, during the silent night, he had experienced thousands of times in extreme pain: What exactly is this child trying to shout out? What does he want to

tell the adults?

This was not an easy interview. Besides the language differences, Taro's thinking logic is usually multi-dimensional and parallel at the same time. If you can't catch up, it would be difficult for you to fully understand him. In addition, the intelligence in him drove him to watch adults (like me), to see how adults go about holding a conversation with him. In order to get closer and deeper with Taro, we did three interviews and two of them were held during midnights. It is easier to get more genuine voices from deep within to emerge during night time.

Part 1: 25th June 2021 17:30 - 19:30 (2hours)

When we re-visit our first interview, we realized that it was just an appetizer. Although the interview took 2 hours, most of the time were spent on familiarizing Taro's unique way of expression. Taro was au fait in English and thus requires Vanessa's interpretation and translation to mandarin. Therefore, during the interview, the participation of "mother" was indeed a special kind of "bridge". Vanessa translated our questions and Taro's answers in full authenticity, without any alteration or filtering as a mother.

In numerous occasions, Taro used "stupid" to describe himself and in doing so, he included his mom: "I am stupid, I am a child of a stupid mother". However, when it comes to the companionship of his mother, Taro was fully aware and even asked me: "Do you want to hear about my mom's story? This mother, I can tell her story until she cry, you all will also cry."

Unlike most parents who may find it hard to accept when they hear how their child express themselves to outsiders. Vanessa not only listened attentively, she recognized and was utterly moved by the fact that her child was able to express himself freely and fully.

Taro cited the [The Path] in the third series of his album, as an example to describe his prolong inner struggles: Door, to open or not to open? "Open the door? Come in? You really got to give it a thought; it's like parents fighting in front of the child, the parents will only think about themselves and never for the child. That's why they kept on fighting and I could only helplessly watch by the side."

In facing this thorny world in front of his eyes, this child was terrified, but at the same time, allowed himself to have different possibilities. He cited the last painting [Just Smile] from series five [Happiness Path] and told me: "When you meet snowy weather while mountain climbing, do you cry and go home?" Everyone has the rights to be angry, to cry, or to laugh. Pretending to be stupid, Taro has long seen through the world of the adults. He continued: "We get past after each smile. As long as we are alive, we can choose to open or close the doors." Taro's perspective towards life was unexpectedly mature, so how can he be "stupid"?

Part 2: 25th June 2021 22:00 - 23:30 (1.5hours)

How exactly did Taro overcome his pain? What is the essence of the open and close doors? In order to get deeper into his inner world, we proceeded on to our second conversation on the same night.

Taro, in the night, speedily went into his memory lane.

He recalled his parents habitual words were "no money", "busy at work", but he knew these were excuses of the adults, "they work everyday, but basically are pok - gai (Cantonese word describing prone onto the streets akin to penniless) , dad and mom have no idea that I pretended to be stupid was for the purpose of waiting for them.

During his childhood, Taro can only cry whenever he heard conflict between his dad and mom. Whilst growing up, Taro has no avenue to address the fragility and fear in his inner world. Hence, Taro can only think of ways to numb his feelings. But the more in doing so, the more voices came into his mind. In the end, the lonely Taro was no longer alone, because there were emerging voices accompanying him, or rather harassing him.

"Talk about these voices?" I asked.

Taro's voice turned serious after sighing and requested his mom who was beside him to

excuse herself.

●Scene 1: Mom was not at scene.

This sudden and unexpected move by Taro froze the air instantly.

"Asking mom to leave, is very painful". At this juncture, Taro seemed to change into another person. His eyes were wide open, the expression in his eyes became incisive and angry. He seemed to be talking to himself rather than responding to our interview.

The voice that has been harassing him for many years is "death". On a 24 hours warring basis: "I tell myself, you go and die, die only, no big deal; but another voice said, you have to keep living". Taro seemed to be accusing about something, firing like a rapid cannon, while describing his most inner thought. But he did not lose control. After about 10 minutes of conversation, Taro regained and recomposed himself and asked for his mom to be back into the interview.

Taro specifically remind me: "Don't put this issue in the book, let them see that I am still a good kid, else people may wonder what had happened to me."

●Scene 2: Rewind Retake–Mom at scene

"I must express myself in front of my mom one more time." Taro said.

Taro's parents divorced while he was three years old. Although he cannot understand the adults decision or what happened, but he knew from that moment onwards, the relationship between dad and mom were no longer the same, the world is no longer the same anymore.

"I know, the only person who can accompany me is myself, and also God. There are many types of God, including the God of Death, this God of Death has been with me for years, thus I often say I wanted to kill myself. Subsequently, my mind became quiet, these voices disappeared, everything then became well." Although the conversation was about the self who wanted to die, but in the presence of the mother, Taro's tone was moderated as he does not want to worry the mother, and at the same time does not want to deceive the mother. "I asked my mom to leave just now was because I was procrastinating whether I should let my mom hear it, I guess, we should let my mom knows."

Taro opined that everyone more or less have the thought of dying, but "If I kill myself with my own hands, is it right?" The endless debate of Taro's inner voices is like walking through each and every door, door that opens and closes.

When Taro realize that the conversation was going in circles, he decisively issue an order:

"Do not be affected by me, do not have suicidal thoughts, do not give up yourself. Let's go, let's go to some other place!"

Part 3: 16th July 2021 (Friday) 22:30 - 01:30 (3 hours)

Three weeks later, we had another interview with Taro again, this time involving his dad, Alvin. This is a mega deal for Taro and also an important milestone. The intention behind the publication of the album is not to showcase Taro's natural flair and talent in drawing, but through this publication, a family of three can once again return to the love of a family. This allow the lonely Taro to return to the parents' embracement, and together, they can address the difficulties and hardship each of them had went through for one another.

Alvin humbly expressed his joy and gratitude for the overwhelming participation from so many people in Taro's life journey. At the same time, Alvin was able to gain deeper insights and understanding of Taro's inner world. We later gathered that Alvin was moved to tears when he witness Taro's growing up and transformation. His joy was beyond words.

The setting of [Pain] from series one, resembles a thundering rainy day. Rain, to Taro, is an important emblem, a sign of deep isolation and emergence of coldness from deep within, and Taro can hide and cry in the rain. As such, no one will know he is crying, "You can say is the rain, or sand grains went into the eyes!".

Despite helplessly crying alone, Taro still believe at the end of the emotional tunnel, there is a ray of white light, regardless how dim, hope is still there.

Taro shared a story of his friend from many years ago. This American friend kept wanting to die, and often find himself pointing a handgun to himself; the difference between life and death is just a matter of a pull of the trigger. Taro understood him but did not entangle with this friend, because Taro is more interested in gaining clarity in himself and his life purpose.

"I am afraid but also not afraid of death... I want to look inside, exactly like how I draw each of my drawings. " Taro's tone was full of affirmation. He said that everyone can die at anytime, but did he/she get/achieve what he/ she want? Otherwise, why choose to die at this particular point in time? As for those voices that lingered in his mind, Taro opined that, one has to push oneself to the limit, develop and expand capabilities to the limit, one can then break the opposing polarities of the voices, and accepting one's state. Therefore, whenever I felt low, this old friend from the dark will appear. Taro will still ask: "Can I do more? Make myself to live better?"

Taro accurately expressed the meaning behind these two art pieces: [Expansion of Consciousness] and [Never Alone], that is the never give up "living" attitude. We all have emotions and feelings, which one do you want to choose? Whenever you feel being alone, look up at the starry sky, you will then understand that amongst the brilliancy of the countless stars, you are never alone.

In our third interview, Taro continued to disclose his dark side to me truthfully, but this

time, his will of "never give up" has intensified. The growing up of this 18 year old child was bumpy and full of scars, but he can still smilingly say to me: "The 24 hours of voices is very tiring, but this kind of unhappiness, is for us to experience, life is like walking a tunnel; Do you want to give up, sit down, or continue the walk till the end of the tunnel and embrace the light?"


Do you have anything to say to those teachers or schoolmates who have bullied you?

"I used to use my eyes to stare at them and they will become frightened; but now this fire has more or less subsided and I don't give a damn about them. What I meant is not the strength of the physical body, but the clarity of my thinking; this is the strength that keeps me going."

Taro kept emphasizing that pain differs from person to person, and each person is not the same, the crux is how one view the world, view oneself, no one is perfect, "But you need to keep learning on a daily basis so that you can become better."

This is a growing up story of a 18 year old child, a life journey riddled with scars, and the most admirable part is un-doubtlessly the infinite ability. Although there were 19 paintings, 19 mirrors, 19 life challenges (or even more), Taro was fearless. Follow Taro, we can also regain our native courage in full.

